It has been estimated that there are currently 85,556 people in Canada living with a spinal cord injury. Some have been born with a damaged spinal cord, but most have developed problems as a result of accidents and disease.
Understanding the major causes is important for all of us. When you know what is behind the figures you have the chance to take steps to avoid certain situations and minimize the risk.
6 Major Causes of Spinal Cord Injuries

In most developed countries the biggest cause of serious spinal injuries is motoring accidents. They fall into three main categories:
- Car accidents – This is the leading cause of spinal injuries in Canada. Should you be unlucky enough to suffer a spinal injury during a car accident, please get in touch with us, so we can help you to secure a fair compensation package.
- Motorcycle accidents – Fewer motorcycle accidents occur than car accidents. But, when they do, the injuries sustained tend to be more serious. Over the years, we have helped many motorcycle accident victims with their compensation claims. Including those who have sustained spinal injuries.
- Cycling accidents – Unfortunately, cyclists are at just as great a risk of spinal injuries as motorcyclists are.
However, not all spinal injuries occur as a result of traffic accidents. Other causes include:
Slip and fall accidents – As slip and fall lawyers we deal with dozens of cases each year where spinal injuries have been sustained.
DOs in case of a Spinal Cord Injury
- Do dial 911 immediately
- Do keep the person still
- Do begin CPR if there are no signs of circulation (breathing, coughing, or movement)
DON'Ts in case of a Spinal Cord Injury
- Don’t move the person’s neck or head
- Don’t remove the person’s helmet
- If you have to move the person, don’t try to roll them on your own — have someone assist you
Assault and acts of violence – Being mugged or attacked in another way can lead to spinal injuries. In particular, if you are punched hard in the head or are pushed violently to the ground.
Sports and other recreational activities – Every year, thousands are injured while skiing, rock climbing or taking part in contact sports. Sadly, sometimes it is the negligence of others that leads to participants sustaining a spinal injury.
Arthritis, cancer, and degenerative diseases can also lead to damage of the spinal cord. Plus, unfortunately, it is not unheard of for someone who is inebriated to fall over and damage their spine.
Why Spinal Cord Injuries are Critical

If your spine is damaged you must seek immediate medical attention. Spinal cord injuries can lead to temporary or permanent impairment including the following:
- Loss of muscle functionality
- Loss of sensation
- Loss of autonomic functions
Seeking immediate help is the best way to minimize the chances of your suffering any of the above.
Conditions resulting from Spinal Cord Injuries
Many people with spinal cord injuries experience the following movement issues:
- Paraplegia – Paralysis of legs, and sometimes the torso too, but not the arms
- Quadriplegia – paralysis of legs, arms, and torso, also known as tetraplegia
You may also end up with:
- Impaired breathing
- Impaired sexual/reproductive function
- Impaired senses
- Bowel/bladder dysfunction
- Chronic pain
- Mental/psychological distress
How Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help with Spinal Cord Injuries
Should you be unfortunate enough to suffer a spinal cord injury, please contact us. We will do the following, on your behalf:
- Handle the filing of your personal injury claim
- Legally represent you to reach a reasonable settlement
- Connect you with spinal cord injury specialists who will assess the extent of your injury
- Help you to create a recovery plan
- Help you to put together a life care plan that will meet your long-term medical and assistance needs
To handle your personal injury claim for your spinal cord injury, it’s advisable to get a lawyer who knows the legal process in Alberta.
Talk to a Diamond & Diamond Personal Injury Lawyer now
We are familiar with how the personal injury claims process works in the province of Alberta. Our lawyers have years of experience in handling these cases, which you can read about here.
Our experience enables us to pull together compelling evidence. So, Diamond & Diamond lawyers have an excellent track record of reaching favourable settlements for our clients.
Over the years, we have built up strong connections with spinal injury specialists and medical experts. This means that we can put you in touch with people that will help you to heal. As well as keep you healthy over the coming years.
At Diamond & Diamond, we know that rebuilding after a spinal injury is hard. So, we help you to plan for your life ahead as well as provide legal services.
As you can see, we have law offices in Calgary and Edmonton. Both of which are easy to get to.
If you would like a free case evaluation, just fill out our contact form.
Or, for convenience, you could call our 1-800 number.
“Spinal cord injuries can be categorized as traumatic (damage caused by impact) or non-traumatic (caused by disease, infection, or inflammation).”
FAQ’s on Major Causes of Spinal Cord Injuries
Can I still recover from a spinal cord injury?
You can still recover from a spinal cord injury. However, how well you recover does depend on the severity of your injury and whether you have access to good medical treatment. Even then, making a full recovery is rare. But, with the right advice and equipment, many people retain a high level of independence and live full lives.
When should I contact a lawyer, if ever I hurt my spinal cord?
If you have hurt your spinal cord it is wise to contact a lawyer immediately. Doing so will enable you to start gathering the evidence you need to make a strong case for compensation. An experienced personal injury lawyer will know how to make sure that you get paid what you are due.
What is the leading cause of spinal cord injuries in Canada?
Motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of spinal cord injuries in Canada. They are responsible for around 35% of those injuries. Next on the list is slip and fall accidents, which lead to 17% of accident-related spinal injuries in Canada.
What types of evidence are needed for a spinal cord injury claim?
When you’re making a claim for a spinal cord injury, you need to provide evidence of the extent of the injury, what caused the injury, the financial damages incurred because of the injury, and how the defendant is responsible for the injury.
Can a spinal cord injury lead to other bodily dysfunctions?
Yes, it can. A spinal cord injury generally affects organs and body parts below the height of the injury. Depending on the injury’s location, dysfunctions can include everything from bladder problems to an inability to walk or use your arms.
Are there spinal cord injuries that are related to birth injuries?
Yes, there are. It is possible for the spinal cord to be bruised, strained, or snapped during the birthing process. Such injuries usually occur to the upper or middle back when they do happen.