ICBC Injury Claims Lawyer
Before you file a claim for compensation with the ICBC, it’s generally recommended that you first consult an ICBC personal injury claims lawyer. Although you aren’t required to have a lawyer when filing a claim with the ICBC, they can help make sure you receive the full compensation that you’re entitled to. Here’s why you should consider hiring an ICBC injury claims lawyer before filing a claim with the ICBC.
The ICBC Doesn’t Provide You with Representation
Unless you personally hire an ICBC injury claims lawyer, you won’t have legal representation before the Insurance Corporation. Although the corporation will send an adjuster to review your claim, an adjuster isn’t a lawyer who’s working for you.
First, an insurance adjuster doesn’t have the same training, expertise and qualifications as an ICBC personal injury claims lawyer. An adjuster’s role is to determine the extent of damage and verify claims. They don’t provide legal representation or form an argument on your behalf if your claim is undervalued.
Second, an adjuster who’s sent by the ICBC works for the corporation and not for you. Their loyalties and interests lie with the ICBC and not necessarily with you. A personal injury who you hire is bound to work for your interests and only those interests.
Consult with an ICBC personal injury claims lawyer before filing a claim for compensation with the ICBC. Diamond & Diamond’s team consists of lawyers with experience in ICBC claims and issues.
Legal Representation is Helpful When Filing an ICBC Claim
While you can go through the ICBC claims process without a lawyer, this generally isn’t the wisest course of action. Figuring out how the process itself works can be extremely time-consuming, and most people aren’t aware of all the laws that could help or potentially harm their case.
An ICBC injury claims lawyer will be able to explain the various steps involved in the process, and they know how to argue your case for the best possible outcome.
Know the reasons you should not speak to an insurance adjuster without consulting first with a personal injury lawyer.
Find out why
An ICBC Personal Injury Claims in Alberta Lawyer Has Expertise
Moreover, you shouldn’t choose just any personal injury lawyer to represent you before the ICBC. Instead, you should specifically seek out an ICBC personal injury claims lawyer who specializes in this area of law.
An ICBC personal injury claims lawyer in Alberta will be intimately familiar with the applicable laws and will be able to expertly apply those laws to your particular case. A general personal injury lawyer will be legally able to represent you and might have a general knowledge of injury law, but they won’t have the same command of automotive law’s fine points.
You Can Expect an ICBC Injury Claims Lawyer to Act on Your Behalf
When you hire an ICBC injury claims lawyer to represent you, you can trust them to act on your behalf. In fact, they’re obligated to serve you in the best capacity possible.
There are several specific things a lawyer will do for you. They can help:
- Give advice on how to properly protect your rights
- Collect all the relevance relevant to your auto accident
- Obtain the medical information needed to show the full extent of your injuries
- Determine what proper and full compensation would be for you
- Attempt to reach a fair settlement based on your perspective
In many cases, a fair settlement form the claimant’s perspective is higher than what the ICBC is initially willing to offer.
If you want to know more about filing a motor vehicle accident claim, refer to our complete guide.
Read the guide now
Initial Consultations with ICBC Injury Claims Lawyers Are Usually Free
Sometimes drivers and passengers are hesitant to meet with an ICBC injury claims lawyer because they fear that the meeting will place an obligation on them. Initial consultations, however, almost never come with obligations.
Almost all lawyers who specialize in ICBC injury claims offer initial consultations free of charge. During a brief meeting, a lawyer can review the basics of a claim and explain whether they’re able to offer assistance. You’ll sign a contract with a lawyer if you do decide to use their services, but this first meeting is normally free of charge.
Additionally, any initial consultation is also usually free of obligation. If, for whatever reason, you decide that a particular ICBC injury claims lawyer isn’t the right professional to take on your case, there’s typically no obligation to sign a contract with them. You can leave without committing to anything and there’ll be no ill will. Lawyers realize that these meetings are part of their job.
Payment is Usually on a Contingency Bases
Assuming you do decide to sign a contract with an ICBC personal injury claims lawyer in Alberta, you normally still won’t pay anything out of pocket.
The contracts that these lawyers use are usually set up on a contingency fee basis, which means the lawyer is only paid if your case is won. The amount their paid is typically a percentage of your settlement, but it’s taken into account when determining what a fair settlement for you would be. That way, you ultimately don’t miss out on anything you’re due.
Contact an ICBC Injury Claims Lawyer
If you need to file a claim with the ICBC, contact an ICBC personal injury lawyer in Alberta. Set up a consultation with them to review your case and determine the best way to proceed.
FAQs ICBC Injury Claims Lawyer
How long does ICBC have to settle a claim?
It would take for the ICBC up to 2 years until a trial to settle a claim for an average case. Generally, it would depend on how much of your claim you are willing to give up to get your settlement earlier.
How do I settle a claim with ICBC?
You can settle a claim with ICBC by reporting the incident to them by phone to start. If another driver involved in your crash has been found responsible, you may qualify for financial compensation.
Should I get a lawyer to deal with ICBC?
Even though it’s not required to hire a lawyer when you deal with ICBC, it would be best for you if you have one. They will help you get the legal information that you need for you to make an informed decision.
Do ICBC adjusters act in my interest?
No, unfortunately, the ICBC adjuster does not act in your interest. They usually look out for their own, and your adjuster may pin the fault at you, so you should be ready.
What should an injured pedestrian do if the driver’s ICBC adjuster offers a settlement?
If the driver’s ICBC adjuster offers a settlement, an injured pedestrian should resist the impulse to accept it immediately. While the promise of quick money is alluring and can go a long way, rushing to accept an offer has the potential to hurt you in the long run.
If a loved one was killed after a collision with a large truck, what rights does the surviving family have?
One of the rights of the surviving family is to file a wrongful death charge if their loved one was killed after a collision with a large truck, so long as the victim could have filed a personal injury suit for the injuries caused by accident had he or she lived.
What medical information is needed when filing an ICBC claim?
ICBC is authorized under the Insurance (Vehicle) Act to ask your doctor for a report of the injuries sustained in the accident, a precise diagnosis of your condition, the type of medical care you receive, and an estimate of your future prognosis.
If I hire a lawyer, will it negatively impact my ICBC claim?
No, it will not negatively impact your ICBC claim if you hire a lawyer. It would be considered highly illegal and unethical for an adjuster to treat you differently, or minimize your benefits because you retain legal counsel.
Does ICBC have to pay me additional if I retain a lawyer?
Yes, the ICBC has to pay you additional if you retain a lawyer. If you retain a lawyer, you are entitled to taxable costs and disbursements to offset a portion of your legal fees.